
mom's day

how Adam & eve take birth, God knows ! how new generation comes, God Knows ! how a child when born knows mother, God Knows ! how a mother have soft heart, God knows ! how we survive in the laps of mothers, God knows ! how we forget mothers' when we grow, God knows ! how we feel mothers heart when we...

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Glee 3D The Concert Movie - 2

TADAAAAAA I think in this scene they're singing "loser like me" or "Don't stop believing" but I prefer "loser like me". 'cause they using slushed at these song I think you know what the song they sing, yap "Born this way" and look! is there Santana?? finally hayhaha Brittany , I'm slave for you And performance from The warblers!! Now my question is...

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Glee 3D The Concert Movie - 1

the GLEE 3D MOVIE RED CARPET PREMIERE in Los Angeles, CA. Did you notice there are a strange child in few photos ? yap, he's Kellen the Mini-Warble . damn isn't he cute? ...

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Happy Ied Mubarak 1432H

Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum, Happy Ied Mubarak 1 Syawal 1432 H. Hopefully our deeds accepted by Allah SWT. Forgive me if all this time I'm writing to offend readers or other errors. Perfection belongs only to God, imperfection belongs to human. Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin <3 Chandra Janitra & Fam ...

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Adele - Chasing Pavements

I've made up my mind, don't need to think it over. If I'm wrong, I am right, don't need to look no further. This ain't lust I know this is love. But, if I tell the world I'll never say enough'cause it was not said to you and that's exactly what I need to do, If I end up with you . ....

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Glee Funeral

"I miss my sister. Every night at 10 or so, she used to call me on the phone, and when I asked her why. She told me her body told her… she wanted to hear my voice.I miss my sister. The smell of her shampoo. The way she could always convince me to read her another book. When you love someone like I...

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here we are, tiba-tiba ada inspirasi buat share tentang ilmu scrapbook yang gue punya. sebenarnya gue ga pernah belajar. hal itu muncul tiba-tiba. gue sendiri udah hasillin 5scrapbook dan 1 scrapbook elektrik. yg gue bakal bahas cuman scrapbook biasa yang hand made. yang lo butuhin cuman IDE (ini yg terpenting) kertas-karton dan alat tulis dan foto atau gambar.nanti bakal gue posting lagi step...

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happy birthday

happy birthday

"Middle age is when you start to show around the middle." -Bob Hope 17-06-91 ...

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Father and Son (Cal&Earl)

Earl “it’s my son cal’s birthday tomorrow and I was just wondering if you could make it rain something special” Flinkt “well, I’m pretty backed up the request plus you’re always mean to me” Earl “it’ll be just one time for my special angel’s special day” Flinkt “aaaaah . . . I don’t know, you know . . I don’t wanna over work...

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Funky Monkey

I call them "Funky Monkey" because they can use their stolen goods so well, such as. . . using camera to give a sign on another monkey, especially the flash using the binocular to spy on his enemies using the Iphone to send short messages and this is the content of their short messages and this is the king of "Funky Monkey" them,...

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Belle “here now, oh don’t do that!....” Beast (growling) Belle “just hold still” Beast “(growling) THAT’S HURT!!!!” Belle “if you hold still, it wouldn’t hurt as much!” Beast “well, if you hadn’t have run away this wouldn’t have happened” Belle “if you hadn’t frightened me, I wouldn’t have run away!” Beast “well, you shouldn’t have been in the west wing” Belle “well, you...

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GLEE Born This Way

I'm beautiful in my way 'cause God makes no mistakes. I'm on the right track. I was born this way. There's nothin' wrong with lovin' who you are. ...

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Fly Love

Wasn´t really thinking, wasn´t looking , wasn´t searching for an answer in the moonlight when I saw your face. Saw you looking at me, saw you peaking out from under moon beams through the palm trees swaying in the breeze. I know that I´m feeling so much more than ever before and so I´m giving more to you that I though I could...

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How it felt to be me

"have you ever felt ike you were a little bit different ?? like you had something unique to offer the world. if you could just get people to seet it then you know exactly how it feelt . . . . . . . .to be me " - Flinkt - Cloudy with a chance of meat balls ...

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being special sucks

Will "hey finn! just called your mom. she told me you'd here" Finn "yeah, you know football season ended, so I'm just cleaning out my things" Will "sounds like something that could have waited 'till Monday" Finn "you heard anything??" Will "yeah,it's pretty bad" . . . . . . . . . . . Will "I can't be there" Finn "and I...

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Lilo and Stitch

lilo's stories

“ scrump, have I ever told you the story of the lonely rooster ?? once there was a rooster named pancake. He was lonely, so she went to the beach to make friends. He made friends with a shell named Paula & an empty can of soda named Jimmy and a piece of broken surfboard named Steve. They were good friends and had...

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bust your window

Mercedes “really? Well, what if I can’t? you know there’s not a lot of guys around here knowing down my door for date or yours . . . for that matter nobody notices us, hello??! We’re in Glee club and I’m tired of being lonely. Aren’t you ?? But Kurt . . . Kurt is sweet to me . . . . and...

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Shreek: I used to be an ogre, now I’m just a jolly green joke! Fiona: ok,ok maybe you’re not the ogre used to be. But maybe that’s not a bad thing. Shreek: I wouldn’t expect you to understand. It’s not like you’re a real ogre. You spent half your life in a palace . . . Fiona: . . . and the other...

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Sam & Quinn

Sam “I think I love you.” Quinn “Oh my God...are you proposing? We've known each other for 6 weeks. Stand up, you're freaking me out.” Sam “I want to marry you...someday. Until then, will you accept this promise ring?” Quinn “What are you..six?” Sam “If you accept, this ring will symbolize my promise to you...to be true, to never pressure you to do...

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Inilah kerajaan bebek mama :) mama seneng banget koleksi bebek dari yg kecil ampe besar. rata-rata mama dapet dari anak2nya atau beli sendiri hehehe. liburan kemarin iseng ingin mem-publish koleksi bebek mama ini :) ...

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