Lilo and Stitch

leroy and stitch Aloha Oe

Lilo and Stitch

Disney's "Lilo & Stitch"- Aloha O`e


me and stitch

me and stitch Siang ini Bandung panas banget BANGET , kalo liat di twitter sih neraka bocor. rada dikasih hujan boleh dong hehehe ( beginilah manusia diksh hujan ngeluh ,dikasih panas NGELUH JUGA ) , terus berhubung ada stitch baru iseng aja foto-foto haha . aaaah , stitch kiss me :* :* ...

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HARTELIJK GEFELICITEERD MET VERJAARDAG MIJN BLOG. bedankt voor alles. vergeef me als ik zelden schrijven omdat ik bezig ben, maar als ik tijd heb zal ik schrijven op de blog, en ik draag deze foto op mijn blog. Ik hoop dat ik schrijf altijd op deze blog, Amin ENJOY MY BLOG I HOPE YOU LIKE IT HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BLOG 23 Januari 2010...

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gambar aku :D

My first Picture (owl : owlcity, cat, sunset, canon, blanckberry, tiger skin ,rainbow, Netherland, dutch flag, crayon, ice cream, watermelon ) My second picture , for my sister birthday. She asked me to draw about her for her birthday gift. so I draw Japan flag ( she loves Japan so much ), Charles & Keith Bag, mangosteen, pharmacy symbol, pill, capsule, birthday cake,...

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Lilo and Stitch

family for stitch

" does stitch have to go in the ship ? " " yes . . . " " can stitch say good-bye ? " " yes . . . " " thank you " . . . " who are you ? " " this is my family, I found it all on my own. It's little and broken but still good ,...

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I went along with my mommy and my sister , Nadia. first destination is Edulab , ciwulan. Journey begins by crossing the flyover kiaracondong. Over there I could see BSM from afar, to the right I could see the mountain, unfortunally I forgot the name of the mountain . . BSM terlihat sangat kecil dari sana finally we arrived in Edulab , saat...

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Het nederlands

Amsterdam - Batavia

Buah cengkeh, pala dan lada Sengat menyumbat hidung dan telinga Para pelaut dan pedagang walanda. Angin kepulauan Maluku dan Banda Mengabarkan timbunan rempah Sampai ke lantai bawah tanah Amsterdam - Batavia sibuk menyiapkan Palka, gudang dan peta Awak di buritan mengendus membaui Harum rempah Dan laut memercikkan kilauan emas Pada mata mereka Jangkar dilempar , Meriam disulut Bola-bola api bergema di Tidore, Ternate,...

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. . . . . . you + me = us You are the best thing that’s ever been mine PS : Big thanks for my sister , Nadya Pratista W because she has helped me for made this photo ...

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Long distance

gisteren , heb ik song van bruno mars ( long distance ) gehoord dan benar-benar seperti flashback kembali . tanpa disadari kini saya menjalani sebuah hubungan LDR karena liburan hikshiks :"( . . . There's only so many songs That I can sing to pass the time And I'm running out of things to do To get you off my mind All I...

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my stuff

. . . Introduction my best stuff to fill my boring holiday 64 Crayola crayons 48 Titi Crayon Lyra ( Black ) 48 Watercolur Pencils 24 Snowman Coloring markers ...

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