Lilo and Stitch

lilo's stories

“ scrump, have I ever told you the story of the lonely rooster ?? once there was a rooster named pancake. He was lonely, so she went to the beach to make friends. He made friends with a shell named Paula & an empty can of soda named Jimmy and a piece of broken surfboard named Steve. They were good friends and had...

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bust your window

Mercedes “really? Well, what if I can’t? you know there’s not a lot of guys around here knowing down my door for date or yours . . . for that matter nobody notices us, hello??! We’re in Glee club and I’m tired of being lonely. Aren’t you ?? But Kurt . . . Kurt is sweet to me . . . . and...

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Shreek: I used to be an ogre, now I’m just a jolly green joke! Fiona: ok,ok maybe you’re not the ogre used to be. But maybe that’s not a bad thing. Shreek: I wouldn’t expect you to understand. It’s not like you’re a real ogre. You spent half your life in a palace . . . Fiona: . . . and the other...

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Sam & Quinn

Sam “I think I love you.” Quinn “Oh my God...are you proposing? We've known each other for 6 weeks. Stand up, you're freaking me out.” Sam “I want to marry you...someday. Until then, will you accept this promise ring?” Quinn “What are you..six?” Sam “If you accept, this ring will symbolize my promise to you...to be true, to never pressure you to do...

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